
A crematorium building - image taken in UK
A crematorium building - image taken in UK

Cremation Services

Cremation allows the family to place their loved one in their favourite spot without the restraints of an official funeral service. Our attentive team can make all the arrangements, from preparing flower arrangements to providing a safe resting place for the deceased until the day of the cremation. Our cremation service is highly affordable and includes:

  • The collection and care of your loved one
  • All relevant documents completed 
  • A respectful service – personalised as desired
  • Help from experienced funeral staff

After the cremation, you can place your loved one wherever their desired resting place was, or you can have the ashes incorporated into jewellery, so you can always have them with you. Here at Watson & Bell, we also offer direct cremation service, which cremates the beloved without the ceremony.

We have over 20 years of experience serving families across Canterbury, Aylesham, South East Kent and the surrounding areas. We understand how important it is to ensure you’re loved one gets the funeral service they deserve, which is why our team works tirelessly to ensure everything is taken care of, so you can focus entirely on the day. We can make home appointments to make it easier for your family and friends who may be struggling with grief. For more information on all our services, please get in touch with a member of our friendly team today.